Brandi M. Lemburg, LMP

Massage therapist treating a client.


Massage [muh-sahzh] verb: the manipulation of soft tissue, including layers of muscle and connective tissue, to enhance function and promote relaxation and well-being.


Why massage? Why not massage?! In addition to feeling great, recent clinical research studies have shown that receiving regular bodywork is highly beneficial to overall wellness. So much of disease is related to the stress and anxiety we now face as a result of our endlessly busy lives. Massage therapy can help manage stress and lessen depression, resulting in decreased anxiety, enhanced rest, more energy overall. It can also enhance immunity by stimulating lymph flow, alleviate low-back pain and ease menstrual cramps.


Massage stretches tightened muscles, and relaxes and softens injured and overused tissue. Bodywork can also assist in recovery post-surgery, encouraging tissue regeneration, and reducing scar tissue. For prenatal clients, massage may relieve some of the discomfort associated with the rapid physical changes of pregnancy and contribute to a shorter, easier birthing process, as well as assist with relaxation and healing postpartum.


Finally, bodywork has ancient roots as a healing art! Writings and drawings on massage have been found in ancient civilizations including Rome, Greece, India, Japan, China, Egypt, and Mesopotamia.




Brandi works from the Queen Anne neighborhood of Seattle and offers outcalls by appointment only.  Call or email for more information or to schedule a session - a response is guaranteed within 24 hours!  First time clients will receive a one-hour session at a reduced rate of $55!


(425) 791-6829 /


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